Automatic Labeller for goods labelling GLM-Imaxx with C-Wrap

Here, Bizerba has applied many years of experience of label application across three sides (C-Wrap). The result is a high speed system which optimally meets industrial requirements in the food sector.

The GLM-Imaxx with C-Wrap applicator may be fitted with one or two labellers depending on the required labelling performance. Due to the active package guidance in connection with the labelling process this system ensures high label accuracy. In addition, the GLM-Imaxx C-Wrap comprises an Eco Motion Printer with integrated saving function for thermal transfer ribbon and print head. This reduces consumables costs and increases the lifetime of print head.

With the GLM-Imaxx C-Wrap labels may be applied across three sides. Based on requirement the label can be placed on the side or in the centre. By using C-Wrap labels a product can be optimally presented since the large label provides a lot of space for advertising messages.

In alternating operation with two labellers the label roll can be changed without stopping the system. This reduces set-up times and allows optimal package throughout.

By integrating an additional top/bottom labeller the system can also be used for traditional price labelling with top/bottom label application. The system thus offers a high degree of flexibility.

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