Steps for a greener drinks industry

The FMCG sector has traditionally been one of the leading contributors to waste globally, with brands such as Nestle and Essity generating total waste of 1.56m and 1.44m tonnes respectively in 2021.

The drinks sector often stands head and shoulders above the rest, with Heineken’s total waste generation in 2021 reaching 4.49m tonnes.

With environmental credentials now a vital ingredient for the success of a brand, businesses are faced with increasing pressure to go green or go bust. The good news is that you can make simple changes to become more sustainable and not break the bank while doing so.

Big changes made simple
Water is the most critical resource in the drinks manufacturing process; its conservation should be equally important. Adopting measures such as recycling water within your facility and using water-efficient equipment are tangible first steps, while larger-scale companies can also look to invest in wastewater treatment technologies to ensure the responsible disposal of water.

Minimising overproduction and the use of perishable ingredients in products and exercising recycling and upcycling across the manufacturing processes, will help to create a comprehensive eco strategy without significant additional costs; at Gunner cans of both our Saint and Sinner cocktails are fully recyclable.

Sustainability on tap
When it comes to Gunner, I know that key to running an ESG-conscious drinks company is taking responsibility for your supply chain. When it comes to sustainability, this means scrutinising suppliers to ensure responsible materials and processes are being used throughout your product’s production and incorporating ESG criteria into supplier selection processes.

While not the solution for all companies, if you are eager to demonstrate a deeper devotion to ESG goals you should consider disclosing information about suppliers and environmental performance as a transparent commitment to sustainable practices.

The importance of being green
Eco credentials are not just a regulatory requirement but a must for many consumers who are not afraid to vote with their feet. At Gunner, this is a key consideration for us as we are acutely aware that there is a large consumer demand for more sustainable food and drink products.

With an increasing number of drinks companies advertising their green credentials, brands which cannot stand up to the environmental demands of today face missing out on a market of eco-minded consumers, and focussing time and energy in the right places can afford fantastic benefits for your brand and revenues.