Handcrafted New Zealand Coffee Liqueur brand ‘Quick Brown Fox’ to launch in the UK

New Zealand’s favourite premium coffee liqueur, Quick Brown Fox, has made its foray into the UK market and is here to make waves in London. Handcrafted in Dunedin, New Zealand, the liqueur exquisitely balances complex notes of coffee with a clever hint of cinnamon in its tail. To keep the flavour completely natural, Quick Brown Fox uses a carefully concocted blend of fair trade and organic roasted coffees from farms in Sumatra, Colombia and Papua New Guinea, along with a dash of organic cinnamon from India. The unique flavour makes this liqueur the perfect nightcap.

The name comes from the pangram (A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog) as a reminder of the root of communication, ever so important when enjoying a liqueur. Quick Brown Fox makes for the perfect evening companion and is best served and appreciated as a digestif neat or on the rocks. This doesn’t mean to say that the liqueur isn’t fantastically versatile – it also shines in cocktails, indulgent desserts or when paired with a dash of cream. When concocting a coffee-based cocktail, the depth of rich flavour and complexity of character ensures the liqueur is every bartender’s dream. Quick Brown Fox pairs superbly with numerous other types of alcohol, and especially when making cocktails containing cognac, bourbon, and spiced rum.

At Quick Brown Fox, they believe that artificial ingredients compromise the level and quality of flavour achieved. The coffee beans are specifically selected and specially roasted by hand to slightly darker than espresso which helps bring out a unique and complex flavour profile. What emerges is rich, dark and chocolatey coffees that will stand out in any liqueur.

To really bring the taste of coffee and cinnamon to the forefront, not a single artificial ingredient or additive goes into its production. Founder, Arjun Haszard, says, “I found myself curiously obsessing over coffee, and all its complexities. It was an incredibly difficult path to create a coffee liqueur with nothing artificial but what we’ve created is truly distinctive and an experience for the palate.”

Each bottle of Quick Brown Fox is handcrafted and hand-filled with extreme precision and care. All bottles are 500ml and have an ABV of 20%. Quick Brown Fox is distributed exclusively in the UK by S.E.A. Spirits and is available to purchase at the following retailer: Master of Malt & Whisky Exchange. RRP: £25.25.